Dept. of CE organizes a seminar on " Sustainable Development Practices in Bangladesh: A Bottom up Approach"


A seminar on " Sustainable Development Practices in Bangladesh: A Bottom Up Approach" was held at Civil Engineering Department on May 15, 2018 as part of UAP CE SEMINAR SERIES.

Mohammed Abdul Baten, Senior Lecturer, School of Environmental Science and Management, Independent University, Bangladesh, was the guest speaker.

He depicted the positive and negative aspects of development and how some of these development processes, not being sustainable, create domino effect in the long run, resulting in disasters. He also pointed to the fact that most of the development works are Dhaka centered, depriving the mass population of the other parts of the country. He emphasized that development should not be done at the expense of nature, rather it should be coherent with the components of the natural environment.

The hour-long seminar ended in a Q&A session.